The birth of a secular skill
1859. Jules Morand, student of the edge gilder, Victor Blangis, decides to open his own workshop.
A love story that will put down deep family roots over several generations
1883 - 1940. Prosper Koch, former apprentice of Jules Morand, marries Morand's daughter and takes over from him as the head of the workshop. In turn, he trains his son Edmond to take over from him. Edmond's sons, André and Fernand, join their father and play a part in the development of the company.
1943. Edmond Koch, wishing to perpetuate his work, creates the company ED. KOCH with his sons as partners.
Thirst for progress and expertise earn the respect of the profession
While 1919 and 1960 mark the main technological turning points, constant progress in its know-how until the current day has allowed the company to earn the respect of the biggest organisations. Clients include big names in bookbinding such as the Bibliothèque Nationale [French national library] and regional archives.
1960. André Koch leaves the company. Fernand Koch continues to develop the business, modernising its production plant. He then creates DIA, in Thiais.
From a noble skill to recognition
1999. Integrating a new process – notching-, DIA becomes DEIA.
2002 and 2005. SNEB and BORDAS, the last competitors in the gilding sector, merge with DEIA.
2011. DEIA is renamed Dorure Bordas.
Today, it is devoting a whole history, a name and, above all, the nobility of a know-how religiously preserved by the last real gilders in France to your products.